How To Save Htm Files

  1. How To Save Htm File As Pdf

Uses ActiveX. Andromeda shadow plug in hanging. Procedure WB_SaveAs_HTML(WB: TWebBrowser; const FileName: string); var PersistStream: IPersistStreamInit; Stream: IStream; FileStream: TFileStream; begin if not Assigned(WB.Document) then begin ShowMessage('Document not loaded!'

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); Exit; end; PersistStream:= WB.Document as IPersistStreamInit; FileStream:= TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try Stream:= TStreamAdapter.Create(FileStream, soReference) as IStream; if Failed(PersistStream.Save(Stream, True)) then ShowMessage('SaveAs HTML fail!' ); finally FileStream.Free; end; end; (* WB_SaveAs_HTML *). Uses CDO_TLB, ADODB_TLB. Procedure WB_SaveAs_MHT(WB: TWebBrowser; FileName: TFileName); var Msg: IMessage; Conf: IConfiguration; Stream: _Stream; URL: widestring; begin if not Assigned(WB.Document) then Exit; URL:= WB.LocationURL; Msg:= CoMessage.Create; Conf:= CoConfiguration.Create; try Msg.Configuration:= Conf; Msg.CreateMHTMLBody(URL, cdoSuppressAll, ', '); Stream:= Msg.GetStream; Stream.SaveToFile(FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite); finally Msg:= nil; Conf:= nil; Stream:= nil; end; end; (* WB_SaveAs_MHT *).

How To Save Htm File As Pdf

How to save html file as jpgHow to save html files

When you save an HTML document, you can use either the.html or the.htm file extension. HTML consists of the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser page. The markup tells the browser how to display a Web page's words and images for the user. Files always save as.htm Everytime I save a file as a webpage (regardless of the application: word, outlook, etc) The file extension is '.htm' and not '.html'. A program I am using will not recognize files with a.htm extension.

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