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Start by breaking the problem down into smaller problems. What are some of the major tasks that you need to accomplish? With a little more direction, we can start to think about what programming challenges we need to solve. Off the top of my head, here are a few: • User Registration and Login • Some sort of points system when a user completes an action. • some way to sort, search, or look through a list of actions. • Some sort of method for using a point. Initially, you can start small.

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Download Script Demo URL. Cashback Script script updated on: July 17, 2016. Download Other script. Do not download nulled Other script from torrents or illegal sites. Cashback Engine is an awesome cashback script that is very easy for installation and administration. Try the Live Demo and enjoy by using our powerful cashback script. It has created with most modern technology, compatible with every major browsers and SEO friendly. One piece perang marineford full sub indo. Overview Cashback plus Script allows visitors to earn cash back rewards and save money on their everyday shopping. That is why cashback websites are a great way to make money.

Make a simple php application that someone can register for, search through a list of actions, click a button, and get a point. Then, they can visit some sort of account page, click a button, and have a single point be 'spent.' With something like that, you still have a lot to go, but you can start breaking down the point system into smaller problems.

Maybe make them fill out a form for a point instead of just clicking a button. Make them select from a list of potential actions that 'spend' different amounts of points. Each addition makes it look more like what you want it to do. But I'm just speculating. Is there a particular aspect of this problem you need some help breaking down? Or is there a specific sub problem you need some insight programming?

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The above answer threw the error Write to file failed. Code: 800A0BBC for me, however this worked: HTTPDownload 'C: ' Where Sub HTTPDownload( myURL, myPath ) ' This Sub downloads the FILE specified in myURL to the path specified in myPath.

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