Wachovia Fast Track Program

Nov 16, 2009  Wachovia Fast Track Short Sale Jacob Swodeck talks about the Wachovia Fast Track short sale program that has expanded to SoCal in November 2009.


• • • You may already be informed about the Wachovia Fast Track Short Sale Program. It is a unique program that allows the short sale process to be very successful in a quick time frame.

Direct air-blast effects refer to damage caused. Blast mitigating design of civilian buildings is a rapidly evolving. Blast Proof Occupied Buildings. Effects of explosions on constructions; VROM/SZW; 9 9. Blast Effects Of Buildings Design Of Buildings. DTIC's PDF and Excel spreadsheet versions of Congressional. EFFECTS OF FIRE ON STRUCTURAL. Blast Effects on Buildings. Air-blast pressures within a building can actually increase as the pressure waves reflect from surfaces and can cause injuries to the occupants directly by means of physical translation, ear, lung, and other organ damage, or debris from building elements and contents. Figure 3: Blast loads on a building. If the exterior building walls are capable of resisting the blast load, the shock front penetrates through window and door openings, subjecting the floors, ceilings, walls, contents, and people to sudden pressures and fragments from shattered windows, doors, etc. Blast effects on buildings, Second edition provides the latest practical guidance on designing buildings to optimise their resilience to blast loading. Focused specifically on the design of commercial buildings, it is an indispensible guide to help engineers reduce the risks posed to building occupants and businesses from terrorist and other explosions. Blast effects on buildings pdf to excel.

Wachovia Fast Track Short Sale


Please see details below. Wachovia bank recently unveiled their new “Fast Track” short sale program developed for home owners with loans from World Savings, World FSB, Golden West Financial and of course Wachovia. This new short sale program has been streamlined to enable fast and easy processing, and can provide relief for San Diego & Riverside County home owners who are having trouble making their mortgage payments, or who are upside in the mortgage debt. The “Fast Track” program offers many advantages as compared to a normal short sale or foreclosure, as follows: • No Hardship letter is required. • Tax Returns are not necessary in order to qualify.

• If one is employed, paystubs are not required. • Wachovia is committed to a 7 Day approval process. • The “Fast Track” program provides for pre-approved short sales which allow the property to be sold for a higher price and in a quicker time frame.

• This program also offers possible “Cash for Cooperation” of $2,500 to $6,000 • Home owner does not need to be late on their mortgage payments. • Credit report may have just a slight derogatory due to this Fast Track short sale, and report will only show “settled for less than owed”. • All Wachovia deficiencies will be forgiven.

Wachovia Fast Track Programs

• Personal meeting with a Wachovia Manager at your home to obtain approval. For more information about the Wachovia Fast Track short sale program, feel free to call us at: 619-301-0200, 619-540-5811 or email at: Please visit our website at More questions we can help you, at, 24 years of brokerage experience, trust and a Member of the local! We offer free counseling in real estate regarding; home values and information on options of selling vs. Nes tiny toon adventures 2 trouble in wackyland cool rom. By the wayif you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service in real estate we provide, please call me or have them go to and I’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.

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