Deploying Bitlocker Windows 7 Enterprise

  1. Bit Locker Windows 7 Pro

Hello, We are considering deploying bitlocker to our Win10 laptops and I'm trying to compare and research the best solutions. I have a few questions maybe you could answer for me. We are wondering what would be the best way to manage bitlocker and its keys? • Can you use just AD to manage them or would we need another app such as MBAM?

Deploying Bitlocker Windows 7 Enterprise

• Are there other recommended apps to manage bitlocker? • Does MBAM offer us any advantages over other methods? • Is MBAM easy to maintain and use on a day to day basis? • Is bitlocker applied through a manual process or is there group policies that can be applied to enable the encryption?

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• Is there different processes to enable bitlocker on laptops that are already deployed as opposed to imaging new laptops? • Do you know what type of cost is involved with using MBAM, like is it a one time fee for the app or are there other factors like level of support or number of managed laptops? I hope this isn't to confusing and I'm sure you have other questions so please let me know what I can do to clarify anything.

The Windows Deploying and Managing Bitlocker in the Enterprise workshop provides attendees with the deep knowledge and understanding of the implementation, management and troubleshooting. Manageable platform which is enterprise-ready to store the keys using Microsoft BitLocker Administration and Monitoring (MBAM).

Bit Locker Windows 7 Pro


We have about >500 laptops using Win10 Pro to deploy bitlocker to in an environment which has a corporate office with many remote locations around the US. Thank you very much for your time and help with this.

Home > Windows > Active Directory & GPO. Are you running Windows 7 Enterprise/Ultimate or Windows 8.1 Pro/Enterprise? Product can manage your Bitlocker. Windows 7 Pro does not have bitlocker. – quadruplebucky Feb 27 '14 at 0:00 @quadruplebucky is correct. For Windows 7 you'll need Enterprise or Ultimate to use BitLocker. BitLocker is an Optional Component (OC) in Windows Server, so follow the directions in BitLocker: How to deploy on Windows Server 2012 and later to add the BitLocker OC. The Minimal Server Interface is a prerequisite for some of the BitLocker administration tools.

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